Want to gain creative confidence with drawing to communicate complex sustainability ideas more effectively?

Here’s a taste of my illustration workshop ✏️

No need to write too many words or design pretty slides.

Learn how to use drawings to cut through the noise in a world of short attention spans and business as usual.

Why draw complex ideas?

Drawing is fast ⏰

In the fast-paced world of business as usual, a quick sketch can help get an idea out of your head quickly. Why write (which people have limited time to read) or pretend to be a graphic designer in powerpoint? Create a simple sketch instead!

It cuts through the noise 🔥

With more and more reports, policies and research on incredibly complex sustainability ideas, strategies or innovations - we need simple and engaging ways to communicate this information in a way that triggers action.

It’s how our brain is wired 🧠

65% of the population are visual learners, and 99% of info transmitted to the brain is visual. Naturally, we respond to and engage with visuals.

“The most powerful tool in economics is not money nor even algebra.

It is a pencil. Because with a pencil you can redraw the world.”

Kate Raworth

Here’s what we cover in the workshop

✅ My own bespoke illustration process that I use with clients

✅ Illustration templates and cheat sheets to help you communicate complex ideas

✅ Real practice! We draw live in the workshop

✅ Leveraging peer feedback from other sustainability professionals in the workshop

✅ Walk away with your own drawing of a complex sustainability idea

You’re in safe hands.

Facilitating workshops is my jam 🎤

  • I’m a service designer by trade.

  • I’ve worked in higher education, federal government and also with design agencies so I’ve got expertise in all things design thinking, workshop design and facilitation.

I’m a sustainability illustrator ✍️

  • I help companies like the Australian Food and Grocery Council and Pearson simplify and communicate complex ideas into engaging visuals.

  • I specialise in illustration for sustainability, circular economy and design, my areas of expertise!

I’m a circular economy enthusiast ♻️

  • In 2020 I founded the Circular Economy Australia Slack community to connect hundreds of like-minded people passionate about circularity.

  • I’ve also got a certificate in Sustainable Business Strategy from Harvard Business School online.

  • The workshop is a fresh take on how to communicate sustainability concepts in new and visual ways. Elise provides such helpful feedback during the session and has lots of drawing tips and tricks along the way. It's fun too! Thanks Elise!

    Principle Designer

  • The Visual Thinking for Sustainability workshop tapped into my creativity for an enjoyable and educational session.  Elise created a beautiful space for everyone to really carve out time to dedicate to their own topics and create a resource to use to better communicate our sustainability message.

    Sustainabily Consultant

  • Imagery has the potential to break through the noise of reports, figures and numbers to something fun and approachable. Would recommend the workshop for anyone who is looking to develop another tool to add to their communication kit.

    Circular Economy Administrator

  • I’m so glad I did Elise’s circularity illustration workshop. It was extremely fun and gave me the confidence to communicate important messages with greater impact.

    Public Relations Consultant


  • Approximately 1.5 hours

  • Both! This workshop can be adapted for either a rich in-person experience or an engaging online session.

  • Of course! Shortly after the workshop you’ll be sent a copy of the materials and resources to keep.

  • Public workshops - tickets are $99 AUD per person.

    Corporate teams - 10-30 people is $2,000 AUD.*

    *Additional cost if travel is required.

  • Of course!

    Minimum group size 10 people, maximum capacity 30 people.

    Email me and let’s chat!

Want to join my next illustration workshop?

Get in touch for team workshops.





#illustration #sustainability #design #circulareconomy

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